The 48th
Apollo Bay ART SHOW


Easter school holidays

Show Details



  • Entry cost $10.00 per work;
  • A maximum of three works per entry;
  • All works must be delivered in person to the Apollo Bay Art Show (and any unsold works must be collected) at the time and date outlined in CONDITIONS OF ENTRY;
  • All works must have a secure wire attached for hanging and must be dry or will be deemed non-uncompliant;
  • Works must be the artist’s own work, be the artist’s original concept, and must not be a repeat of works submitted previously; 
  • All exhibitors are urged to volunteer for a minimum of one shift over the duration of the Art Show. Exceptions for exhibitors who are not local to the region.

Check FAQ list for more information. 

About Apollo Bay Arts Inc

Apollo Bay Arts Inc. is a not-for-profit group of volunteers with a passion for all kinds of art. As an Arts Council, it aims to enhance the quality of life for Apollo Bay and District residents through the promotion of activities in all art forms, assist local artists and bring artistic performances to Apollo Bay. Formed in 1985 the Arts Council took over the running of the annual Apollo Bay Art Show in 2010.

The Apollo Bay Art Show committee is proud of the diversity of works on offer each year and welcomes entries by all, whether you are a first-time exhibitor, emerging or well known established artist.

Many thanks again

Thank you to all the volunteers who make the Show possible every year; from setting up, putting out signs, sitting the Show to packing it up. Thanks to the School for your ongoing contribution to our show each year. Profits made from the Apollo Bay Art Show are  redistributed to the Apollo Bay community for Arts projects and reinvested into Art Show for infrastructure improvements.

Art Show Committee – Caroline Williams, Helen Bender, Kelly Murphy, Jo Forrest, Kim Stevenson and Talisha McCann. 

With thanks to artist HELEN BENDER for graciously allowing us to use a detail of her artwork on our 2025 marketing materials.